Dataweave Modules and How to Make Them

Written on 2021-08-09

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Dataweave Modules

What are they?

DataWeave modules provide reusable functions that aren't necessarily core to the runtime, like isAlpha, takeWhile, countBy, etc. DataWeave provides a large number of built in libraries to help with common tasks which we can import; for example, if you wanted to create a signed JWT for authentication, you would leverage the Binaries and Crypto modules:
%dw 2.0
import toBase64 from dw::core::Binaries
import HMACBinary from dw::Crypto

fun binaryJson(obj: Object) = write(obj, 'application/json', { indent: false }) as Binary
fun base64URL(str: Binary) = toBase64(str) replace "+" with "-" replace "/" with "_" replace "=" with ""
fun base64Obj(obj: Object) = base64URL(binaryJson(obj))
fun JWT(header: Object, body: Object, key: String) : String = do {
    var jwt = "$(base64Obj(header)).$(base64Obj(body))"
    "$(jwt).$(base64URL(HMACBinary(key as Binary, jwt as Binary, "HmacSHA256")))"

output application/json
    alg: 'HS256',
    typ: 'JWT'
}, {
    iat: now() as Number { unit: 'milliseconds' },
    sub: now() as Number { unit: 'milliseconds' },
    name: 'Michael Jones'
If you run this in, you'll see that it produces a valid JWT that you can test on
So DataWeave provides a lot of out-of-the-box modules we can leverage for common tasks.
Like the code above, we frequently run into situtations where a reusable function would be extremely useful.. but there isn't one! So what can we do? Well, just like the vast majority of languages, we can create and publish our own reusable modules; once published, we can include it as a maven depedency just like anything else. Reusable modules provide benefits beyond just standardization and reuse - we can actually put these modules into their own CI/CD pipelines, which allows us to introduce new, reusable features that are properly tested and documented!

Let's Build a JWT Module!

A large number of APIs require that we generate a signed JWT in order to authenticate. MuleSoft does not currently have a built in function/connector for this process, so we'll leverage functionality that already exists within DataWeave to build our own reusable library.

Development Environment Setup

DataWeave modules are still Maven projects, so we can develop them in Anypoint Studio; however, using IntelliJ provides an extended tool set which makes for an improved developer experience.
  1. Install IntelliJ: If you don't already have IntelliJ installed, visit and download the Community edition.
  2. Add the DataWeave plugin, which provides tooling around DataWeave project types, line-by-line debugging, and more.
Animated GIF showing the installation of the DataWeave plugin, authored by MuleSoft

Create the DataWeave Project

  1. In IntelliJ, click Create Project
  2. Select the type “Weave Project”
Create weave project screenshot
  1. Set groupId to com.mulesoft.codelabs
  2. Set artifactId to jwt-dw-module
  3. Leave the version as 1.0.0-SNAPSHOT
Screenshot of setting module IDs
  1. On the next screen, leave all of the defaults
Screenshot of leaving defaults
  1. Set the project name to jwt-dw-module and choose a location to save the files
Screenshot of project name
  1. Create the project

Examining the Project Structure

Once the project has been created, you'll notice that a number of folders are present by default:
Image of project folders
This is where we will setup our code, as well as any unit testing we wish to include. The project structure is dictated by the configuration in the POM file:
Image of POM file
This entry indicates that, when building the project, we should look for DataWeave files in src/main/dw. Your folder structure here dictates what the import looks like; eg: creating a subfolder src/main/dw/jwt with a file called RSA.dwl will make our import: import * from dw::jwt::RSA.
When adding DataWeave files in a Mule Application, we typically place them in the default src/main/resources directory; however, for the purposes of a DataWeave module best practice suggests using src/main/dw.
Image of POM file
These entries dictate where the build plugin should check for unit tests that need to be run.

Populate the Code

Now that we have the project scaffolded, let's add our code.

Common.dwl: Functions shared by both the RSA and HMAC functions

  1. In src/main/dw, create a folder called jwt.
  2. In src/main/dw/jwt, create a Dataweave Component (module) called Common.dwl
Image of module creation
  1. Paste the following code:
%dw 2.0
import toBase64 from dw::core::Binaries

fun binaryJson(obj: Object) =
    write(obj, 'application/json', { indent: false }) as Binary

fun base64URL(str: Binary) =
    toBase64(str) replace "+" with "-" replace "/" with "_" replace "=" with ""

fun base64Obj(obj: Object) =

/** basic JWT with header and payload, no signing */
fun JWT(header: Object, payload: Object) =

/** basic JWT with no user specified header */
fun JWT(payload: Object) =
    JWT({typ:'JWT'}, payload)

HMAC.dwl: Functions used for creating HMAC-SHA signed JSON Web Tokens

  1. In src/main/dw/jwt, create a Dataweave Component (module) called HMAC.dwl
Image of module creation
  1. Paste the following code:
%dw 2.0
import HMACBinary from dw::Crypto
import fail from dw::Runtime
import jwt::Common

var algMapping = {
    "HmacSHA256": "HS256",
    "HmacSHA384": "HS384",
    "HmacSHA512": "HS512"

fun alg(algorithm: String) : String | Null =
    algMapping[algorithm] default fail('Invalid algorithm provided for signing')

fun signJWT(content: String, key: String, alg: String) : String =
    Common::base64URL(HMACBinary(key as Binary, content as Binary, alg))

/** JWT with header, payload, and signature by specific algorithm. valid algorithms dictated by HMACWith */
fun JWT(header: Object, payload: Object, signingKey: String, algorithm: String) : String = do {
    var jwt = Common::JWT({
        (header - "alg" - "typ"),
        alg: alg(algorithm),
        typ: "JWT"
    }, payload)
    "$(jwt).$(signJWT(jwt, signingKey, algorithm))"

/** JWT with header, payload, and signed with HMAC-SHA256*/
fun JWT(header: Object, payload: Object, signingKey: String) : String = do {
    JWT(header, payload, signingKey, 'HmacSHA256')

/** JWT with payload and automatically generated header, signed with HMAC-SHA256 */
fun JWT(payload: Object, signingKey: String) : String =
    JWT( {},payload, signingKey, 'HmacSHA256') Provides functionality not available in DataWeave via Java necessary for RSA signing

When creating DataWeave modules, we can even include and leverage custom Java code, or java dependencies! DataWeave does not currently have built in support for RSA signing, so we will create a simple helper java file to handle this for us.
  1. In src/main/java, create Java class
  2. Paste the following code:
import java.util.Base64;

public class RSAHelper {
    public static String signString(String content, String privateKeyContent, String algorithm) throws NoSuchAlgorithmException, InvalidKeySpecException, InvalidKeyException, UnsupportedEncodingException, SignatureException {
        KeyFactory kf = KeyFactory.getInstance("RSA");
        PKCS8EncodedKeySpec keySpecPKCS8 = new PKCS8EncodedKeySpec(Base64.getDecoder().decode(privateKeyContent));
        PrivateKey pk = kf.generatePrivate(keySpecPKCS8);

        Signature privateSignature = Signature.getInstance(algorithm);
        byte[] s = privateSignature.sign();
        return Base64.getUrlEncoder().encodeToString(s).replace("=", "");

RSA.dwl: Functions used for creating RSA signed JSON Web Tokens

  1. In src/main/dw/jwt, create a Dataweave Component (module) RSA.dwl
Image of module creation
  1. Paste the following code:
%dw 2.0
import java!RSAHelper
import jwt::Common
import fail from dw::Runtime

var algMapping = {
    "Sha256withRSA": "RS256",
    "Sha384withRSA": "RS384",
    "Sha512withRSA": "RS512"

fun alg(algorithm: String) : String | Null =
    algMapping[algorithm] default fail('Invalid algorithm provided for signing')

fun cleanKey(key: String) : String =
    key replace "\n" with "" replace /(-+)(BEGIN|END)(\sRSA)? (PRIVATE|PUBLIC) KEY(-+)/ with "" replace " " with ""

fun signJWT(jwt: String, privateKey: String, algorithm: String) : String =
    RSAHelper::signString(jwt, cleanKey(privateKey), algorithm)

/** JWT with header, payload, and signature by specific algorithm. valid algorithms dictated by HMACWith */
fun JWT(header: Object, payload: Object, pkcs8privateKey: String, algorithm: String) : String = do {
    var jwt = Common::JWT(
    { (header - "alg" - "typ"), alg: alg(algorithm), typ: 'JWT' },
    "$(jwt).$(signJWT(jwt, pkcs8privateKey, algorithm))"

/** JWT with payload and automatically generated header, signed with HMAC-SHA256 */
fun JWT(payload: Object, pkcs8privateKey: String) : String =
    JWT({}, payload, pkcs8privateKey, "Sha256withRSA")
Seeing an error about the import java!RSAHelper? This is normal; unfortunately the DataWeave plugin isn't aware of changes made to Java code. While you can test and develop Java code like normal, you will need to reload the project after making changes before the DataWeave "linter" becomes aware. You may also have to build and install (mvn install) the project first.

Setup a simple mapping test:

Next, in order to have an entry point for testing our code, lets setup a simple mapping.
  1. In src/test/dwtest, create a DataWeave Component (mapping) called HMAC_Testing.dwl
Image of module creation
  1. At the bottom of IntelliJ, click Weave Preview to open the mapping preview. This shows us a live preview of the results of our dataweave!
Weave output preview
  1. In order to simulate some incoming data, we'll add an input. This allows us to set a payload object with some JSON. Click the + button in the Inputs panel
Add new input
  1. Set a sample payload which we will include in our token:
  "firstName": "Michael",
  "lastName": "Jones"
  1. And finally in the mapping DataWeave code, paste the following:
%dw 2.0
import jwt::HMAC
output application/json
HMAC::JWT(payload, "Mulesoft123!")
And there we go! We should now see a signed JWT being output in the preview pane. That tokens should look like:
Assuming that you used the same input payload that I did. We can take this token and key, and use in order to verify a valid token was created! screenshot
Now that we have our module wrapped up, lets go ahead and add a basic Unit Test and run the test lifecycle phase to see what how it looks.

Setup a Unit Test

  1. In src/test/dwmit, create a new folder called HMAC_Payload_Only. This folder will contain a unit test against which we are testing calling HMAC::JWT with only a payload and key.
  2. In src/test/dwmit/HMAC_Payload_Only, create transform.dwl and paste the following code:
%dw 2.0
import jwt::HMAC
output application/json
            "firstName": "Michael",
            "lastName": "Jones"
          }, "Mulesoft123!")
  1. In src/test/dwmit/HMAC_Payload_Only, create out.json and paste the following:
  1. Open terminal, and run mvn test; you should see your test show up as passing!
MVN Test results
Now that you see the basic functionality, take some time to play around with the test in order to see failures, or create additional tests!

Publish Module to Maven Repository

For this example, we will be using your Anypoint Exchange as a maven repository target.
Note: This is not currently officially supported, as DataWeave modules are not recognized by the Exchange Maven Facade. You are free to deploy with this method, but until the Facade recognizes DataWeave modules it will not be officially supported.
  1. Find your organization ID:
  2. Log into
  3. Make sure you are in the master business group.
Master business group screenshot
  1. Navigate to Access Management
  2. Click on your master business group and copy your Organization Id
Screenshot of org info
  1. In your DataWeave project, remove the line dw-library in POM.xml
  2. In your DataWeave project, update your groupId key to your Organization Id in POM.xml
  3. In your DataWeave project, update your POM.xml by adding a distributionManagement key
Note: In order to deploy, you will need a server entry with credentials for the repository id exchange-repository. For an example settings.xml file you can include in your maven install, check this file: Strictly speaking, the only piece required in this file is the server entry for exchange-repository.
Now that we have a maven target setup, run the following commands in terminal:
  1. mvn install (this install into our local repo; if you can't get your credentials setup for the Exchange, this will allow us to continue with the next section)
  2. mvn deploy (this will deploy to our exchange maven repo, assuming your credentials are setup)
Screenshot of mvn install / deploy

Use our Module in a Mule Application

There you go! We can now easily include this module in our Mule application simply by adding a dependency to our project's POM.xml file!
    <!-- Use your ORG ID if you changed it earlier -->
And now you can include it in your transform:
%dw 2.0
import jwt::HMAC
output application/json
    name: 'Michael Jones'
}, 'Mulesoft123!')

And now we have a reusable library separate from our Mule applications, with its own Unit Testing and versioning!